Well well well, what a mess for a trip ending! As I kind of predicted, the Puebla plan totally failed, and so did each of the following plans that we made on the spot, and I mean, Each! Lets start from the beginning!
We left on time from Guatemala but the bus took 7 hours to get to Tapachula instead of 5. There we thought we still had time for the night bus to Puebla but the lady tells us it leaves in 10 minutes. Quick quick i asked for 2 tickets but my credit card is declined, again and again. And so is Andrew's. I know there is money on it, I ask her to make sure its on credit and not debit, she doesn't understand, the bus is gone, plan is over. Thats not good because this plan was the best ever so whatever comes next will not be as handy. I looked up on the screen. Next and last bus to leave the station goes to Puerto Escondido. I heard that was a surfer town. Quick look on the map, it looks half way between Tapachula and Mexico city, done deal. I withdraw money without problem and pay and we run to the bus which was leaving. Thats when I realized that we are one hour faster than Guatemala, thats why all the buses were leaving early! Anyway, we have no clue what will be next but at least we are moving north, so we should be fine (at this time, thats what we thought). Im very upset though that it didn't work out because of a stupid lady who couldn't figure out how to make a payment with a credit card and who didn't point out the ATM straight away... Im happy we found a B plan so fast but I really feel bad that it didn't work our way. Thats called travels, I know, but I had the perfect holidays ending in mind.
Anyway we arrive at 12pm in Puerto Escondido and here, big and bad surprise, the bus to Mexico takes 18hours, yep, 18! Why? Because it goes back the way we came from before going there.... what does it mean? That if we don't catch the bus today, we will not make it on time at the airport. It also means that we wasted our time. It also means that after 20 hours bus, we have to get back in there in 5 hours for a 18-hour trip. It also means that I will not get my last sunset on the beach, my last nice day in Mexico, nop, B plan turned out shit. Well not entirely, at least, we are on the beach, we can swim. And drink.
Anyway we arrive at 12pm in Puerto Escondido and here, big and bad surprise, the bus to Mexico takes 18hours, yep, 18! Why? Because it goes back the way we came from before going there.... what does it mean? That if we don't catch the bus today, we will not make it on time at the airport. It also means that we wasted our time. It also means that after 20 hours bus, we have to get back in there in 5 hours for a 18-hour trip. It also means that I will not get my last sunset on the beach, my last nice day in Mexico, nop, B plan turned out shit. Well not entirely, at least, we are on the beach, we can swim. And drink.
an ugly thing
After a couple of cans, im ready to get back in the bus...
Alright back in the bus. And I read and sleep and sleep and sleep and the time goes strangly super fast! 4 seats does help! In the morning, we have stunning views, that helps too. In the end, we arrived in Mexico city at 1pm. Youhou!
Now, C plan.... i want to go to a hotel. Have a place to sleep, have a shower, have internet and go to the airport at 3am. Andrew wants to go to the airport straight away. Dilemna. With the last couple of days not turning the way we want, he doesnt want to take any risk. We find a hotel but the lady said she cant organize us a taxi but there will be some in the street. Andrew wins and we go to the airport. I have to say im not happy! Its 2pm, we take off at 7am tomorrow, thats 17 hours wait... well really, i dont think im exagerating if I say that the last 3 days of this amazing trip has turned into a ridiculous serie of failures. The airport is shit and cold and not cozy and im bored big time. VoilĂ , thats us, ending our trip, not a firework grand finale unfortunatly. Its good in a way, i cant wait to be done with it and be back in Sydney, thats how fed up I am!! And all that, because of a lady at a bus station...
The only fun thing we found at the airport
Aller ciao Mexico, i will finish this blog in a happier note when Im comfortable somewhere else!
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